
Welcome to COMP3511 Supplementary Website, the purpose of this website is to further extend the practicality for things you have learned in COMP3511 Operating System, such as:

  • Inter-process comunnication using Shared Memory / Message Queue / Simple Socket.
  • Multi-threading / Parallel programming techniques using POSIX Thread Library.
  • Synchronization techniques using Mutexs and Semaphore.

There is also a PDF version of this version for the purposes of marking up and ease of readability.

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This website contains tutorials on system programming, most of which are closely related to practical usage of various Unix-like operating system APIs, such as Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX for short). These API stardards are created to maintain the interoperability between different "flavor" of operating systems, defining a universally applicable programming environment helps system software developers to focus on developing features and worry less about compatibility issues.

The materials on this website are arranged into three major tasks that student are advised to complete. For each task student will be face with a couple of exercises on getting used to the usage of a particular system call (e.g mmap() / fork()...) in addition with an assignment where students gets to incoperate the skills they learned and put those in use in a larger system so that they can figure out the use cases and best practices along the way.

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